Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Trouble uploading pics!

Hi folks, seems to be a problem with the visuals here at Blogger.
Or is it just me?

Anyhoo-- where have I been?
I confess, spring & the garden has gotten the better of me for a few days now.
That, and I start teaching my new, six-hours-on-Saturdays class on Abstract Painting on Saturday. I ordered some books from Amazon, which just recently arrived, and I have a big stack home from various libraries... Trying to figure out the best sequence, how to put it all together, et al. It's been fun. The class has been fully enrolled (30+ students) for some time, so there seems to be some general excitement about it. I will, or course, let you know how it goes.

And HOPEFULLY pictures again soon!
(Worth a thousand words, or so I'm told. Give or take)

Meanwhile, for pics, cruise over to the garden site.


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