Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
3 days later...
(remember, you're reading this in reverse-chronology)
Okay, so I was there every day for the first week. Then, family came to town, rented a beach house, one thing and the other...
I actually did paint, yesterday. But not necessarily to a photo-worthy point.
I'm going to get back on the horse. Really. Stay tuned.
--the 'accidental' blogist. bloggist. blog-ist. blogger. Whatever.
From the land of rain and hail.
Okay, so I was there every day for the first week. Then, family came to town, rented a beach house, one thing and the other...
I actually did paint, yesterday. But not necessarily to a photo-worthy point.
I'm going to get back on the horse. Really. Stay tuned.
--the 'accidental' blogist. bloggist. blog-ist. blogger. Whatever.
From the land of rain and hail.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
the latest thing

So, here's the painting I'm working on now.
Totally in-progress.
4 x 5 feet.
It has collaged-in elements, (as many do these days).
But I've been starting with the collage elements at an earlier stage, and their colors and shapes tend to strongly influence the direction the painting takes. Even if I end up 'burying' the original element. In many ways this seems like a continuation of an earlier/on-going series (all 4 x 5 foot verticals, hmmm...) but the color is a bit different for me.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Drawing class still lives

Since I'm off to teach my beginning drawing class, I thought I'd share with you the still lives I set up for them. We're talking about composition, cropping etc, and I was using the digital camera to quickly demonstrate different possibilities. They're drawing these in black & white (on grey paper), but I like the subtle colors that the objects have in these pics...
Monday, March 06, 2006

This is something I started this past weekend, and it seems to be going fairly quickly. It was really set in motion by the fabric collaged into it, which I bought earlier that day at an antique store. Seeing it as a photo is making it easier to see certain things I need to change...
3 x 5', acrylic and collaged fabric
click on image to enlarge
Sunday, March 05, 2006
chinese blessings (for Lana!)

Okay, here's my first try at uploading an image on my own. This is a painting I finished very recently to rush off to be shown at Arches Gallery in Healdsburg, for their 2nd anniversary show (see www.archesgallery.com). Collaged into it are "joss" papers, used in chinese ceremonies, which have a metallic foil on them. They catch the light differently, and so the painting looks slightly different from different angles and in different lights. As frequently happens for me, this started out as 2 separate paintings, which gradually became one...
40 x 60", acrylic & collage on 2 canvases
click on image to enlarge!
tree (detail)

oil on canvas (triptych) (full size, 10 x 3')
Today our friend (the fabulous painter) Claire B. Cotts came over, and in a matter of minutes showed us how to set up this blog, so now, suddenly a blog!!! The pictures that you see here are things she found hanging around in our iphoto files.
The tree painting is one that I began last summer and am currently trying to bring to completion. Soon I will post the whole painting, as it looks today...
Also soon, I'll know how to link you to her, but for now, do a search here on blogger by her name-- Claire B. Cotts.
"Blue Alhambra"

"Blue Alhambra"
acrylic on canvas
72 x 36"
Very recently finished, the blue-ness of this painting was largely a reaction to the yellow-ness of a lot of the other work in my studio at the time. Tony has referred to it as the night-time or moonlight version, and suggested the moths, where in the past there have sometimes been butterflies.