Sure, I'd known about flickr for a long while, but it was these compilations, made by
Jen Bradford, (an abstract painter living in upstate New York), that really opened my eyes to one of its possibilities-- as a digital scrapbook of visual inspirations. Click
here to visit her flickr compilation page, and from there you can click over to the individual photographer of each image within the mosaic. Above: explorations of 'Calligraphic Line', below, Color.
here to go to Jen's Studio Blog.

So, if you notice that I haven't been blogging too actively-- well, a lot of my online time recently has been spent wandering, dazed, in the maze of
flickr.But I have been painting, a bit, too. Also, learning to knit! (again. Turns out after 20+ years, basically you're starting over.)

Oh, and a Very very Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!