Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008

I was trying to remember a Picasso quote I've liked; what I remembered was: "I don't imitate nature, I work like her". A google search (of course) took me to his full quote, which follows.
The papier collé (collage) was really the important of the fundamental points about Cubism is this: not only did we try to displace reality. Reality was in the painting...We always had the idea that we were realists, but in the sense of the Chinese who said, “I don't imitate nature; I work like her.”
(click on this image to enlarge it)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
small abstractions

I spent most of the winter & spring (well aside from that Burning Man deal) working abstractly, experimenting and generally having a good time. As you may (or may not) remember, in early winter I was doing small paint & collage pieces on paper. After a hiatus during which I did lots of other work on paper, I decided to continue the small pieces, but on wood panels (prepared by my lovely assistant). As you can see, the results were very different.
More of that intervening work will post soon.
bees & birds & botany
...a couple more paintings inching towards completion.
When Tony and I moved to Sonoma County five and a half years ago, we asked ourselves how the change (I had been living in a warehouse studio in an industrial neighborhood of Berkeley) might affect our painting.
We're much closer to nature--& our new place allowed plenty of space for me to indulge my urge to garden. As the garden grows, so ever more wildlife is enticed to visit, and is gradually showing up in paintings as well. Plant forms have long been there.
Some of the plants in these pieces-- mullein, honeysuckle, castor bean, and chickory, derive from a book entitled 'Common Weeds', though we grow most of them in the yard. I'm reminded of the quote: "A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered", attributed to Emerson.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tiffany Bozic Film
Here's a beautifully filmed little piece (by Todd Bell) about Tiffany Bozic, and one of her paintings below...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"cerulean warbler"

For the bird I used as reference a photo from a series of 1897 magazines bound together in albums, and passed down to me by my mother from my grandfather's collections. I can't help but think how different the context was for the reader of these magazines in their day. Tucked into the books are articles on birds clipped from newspapers, and a handwritten list of bird names and sightings.
The painting is done on a bit of embroidered fabric, collaged onto a small canvas. The insects are recent arrivals on the scene.
(top image scanned right from the painting; below it is the whole piece; at left, pages from the magazines)
now showing @...

Over at the Seb Center (as we like to call it) the preview show for Art at the Source is up, so that visitors can see works of art in person as they chart their course of art-viewing, catalog & map in hand.
There will be a reception with plenty of artists milling about this Friday-- er, tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Rauschenberg R.I.P.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
it's coming: Art at the Source

Yes, mark your calendars, it's coming around again-- another round of Open Studios, and a chance to visit during the peak of the bloomingest season in our yard...
May 31 & June 1; June 7 & 8.
I know it's been pretty quiet on this page, but I'll be starting to input more images as this event nears.
And better yet, if you can, come see the work in its native setting!
(above is the card I put together-- inadvertently matching my background color here quite closely. And if you click on it, you'll see some works in progress, BIG)

Both Tony & I were honored to be nominated for this year's 'Emerging Artsits' of Sonoma County Awards... along with several of our friends! And although none of us made it to the final three, we'll be participating in this 'Emerging Visions' event on Saturday, in downtown Santa Rosa.
Stop by & say hello if you're in the neighborhood!